Assisted Learning

The Assisted Learning department exists to meet the educational needs of students who require an adapted program in order to attain their highest potential. There are several Assisted Learning programs, each designed to complement the student’s general education in a specific way. Some students are best served by enrolling in more than one option. Enrollment in a particular assisted learning program is decided based upon test results and student achievement. We also partner closely with parents in the decision-making process and review the student’s progress together regularly. 

Each student enrolled in an Assisted Learning program has an Individualized Academic Plan (IAP). The IAP lists the students strengths and weaknesses as well as academic accommodations and modifications. This allows parents, teachers, and administrators to work together to provide the best educational experience for that student.

Each Assisted Learning program carries a fee in addition to general tuition. Click here to view Assisted Learning costs.

  • The Directed Studies program is structured to provide instructional assistance to middle & upper school students for whom success in the regular classroom is a challenge. The course is designed to help students master content, while developing study and organizational skills. In addition, the students enrolled in the course are eligible for individualized accommodations as indicated by testing, teacher observations, student self-evaluation, and past performance.

  • Direct instruction is provided for middle & upper school students who need additional academic support in the content areas of math and/or English language art (ELA).

  • A tiered structure of support is designed to meet the learning needs of lower school students in the content areas of math and/or English language arts (ELA).

    ·  Tier 1 - Student’s classroom instruction is supplemented with small group instruction twice per week with the teacher, instructional aid, or IU13 teacher. (No additional fee.) 

    ·  Tier 2 - Student’s classroom instruction is supplemented with small group instruction three to four per week with the teacher, instructional aid, or IU13 teacher. Students may be recommended for an evaluation to provide more information so LCCS can better support the student’s needs. (No additional fee.) 

    ·  Tier 3 - Replacement instruction for math and/or English language arts (ELA) is provided through a small group class every day. Students with a diagnosis may also receive modified instruction within the classroom and additional accommodations. An evaluation and fee is required for Tier 3 level support.