Middle School

Grades 7-8

The middle school program at LCCS provides an exceptional academic program with solid biblical teaching to help students develop their own beliefs and values based on a Christ-centered worldview. Teachers help students think critically and provide a variety of project-based activities for hands-on learning. A selection of electives are offered to enrich the student's academic education.

Middle School Program Models


The traditional middle school model provides a comprehensive program with instruction provided on campus five days per week.


Students enrolled in the 4-Day middle school program attend class four days per week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday). On Wednesdays, (satellite days) 4-day students complete teacher-directed academic activities at home with the supervision and support of a parent (the assistant teacher). Traditional and 4-day students attend all on-campus classes together.

Middle School at a Glance

  • Biblical integration into all classes

  • Weekly chapel services

  • Innovation Academies with special Academy-Focus Wednesday activities to help students discover and become confident in who God has truly created them to be

  • Service opportunities and class trips that center on growing in Christ and serving others

  • Elective classes to enrich the student's academic education

  • Required specials in music, art, and physical education

  • Extracurricular opportunities in athletics, theatre, clubs

  • Participation in school events throughout the year