Because He Lives

“And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him.” – Matthew 2:11

At the birth of Christ, we see a beautiful picture of worship and devotion. The angels proclaimed His glory from the heavens, the shepherds left their flocks to witness and testify of His birth, and the Magi traveled from afar to offer gifts that carried profound meaning:
   - Gold, signifying Christ's kingship and divinity
   - Frankincense, representing His role as our great High Priest and mediator
   - Myrrh, foreshadowing His sacrificial death and burial for our sins

Because Jesus came in humility, we can learn to walk in humility. Because He was tempted in every way, yet without sin, we have confidence that He understands our struggles and intercedes for us. His death and resurrection offer us not only eternal life but the privilege of participating in His redemptive work here on earth.

As part of God’s eternal plan, we have the opportunity to contribute to the growth of His kingdom through the exciting development of new facilities which will allow LCCS to continue to make disciples of Jesus through education. This project is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and a call for us to engage with our time, talents, and treasures. Just as the Magi joyfully presented their gifts to Christ, we are invited to offer our own gifts—whether through our skills, resources, or prayers—to glorify Him in this new chapter for the school.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of salvation and the opportunity to serve in Your kingdom. May we, like the Magi, bring our best to You with hearts of worship. Help us to see the work at LCCS as part of Your divine purpose, and may we joyfully contribute in ways that honor You. Make us vessels of Your love and grace, refreshing a weary world with the hope of Christ. And thank you, Lord, for a school like LCCS where children and young people can be born again and lovingly be conformed into the image of Christ.

Thought for the Day:
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill