Inclement Weather
When the school day is impacted by inclement weather, a Parent Alert will be sent via text message and email. In addition to the Parent Alerts, you may check the school homepage or listen to the following radio stations and watch these television channels for information: WGAL, Fox 43, CBS 21, WJTL 90.3, WDAC 94.5.
Delayed Opening
When LCCS operates on a two-hour delay, school offices open at 9 am, and the school day will begin at 10 am. There will be no staff coverage and students must not be dropped off before 9 am. On rare occasions, a few public school districts may operate on a one-hour delay. In that case, someone will be at the school to greet the bus riders from that district. Student drivers may follow their home district’s schedule. When LCCS operates on a two-hour delay, preschool has an optional class from 10 am-12 pm.
Early Dismissals
If LCCS closes early due to inclement weather, announcements will be made on the stations listed and posted on the website. Parents will also be notified using Parent Alert. If your district closes early, LCCS will send bus riders home on the bus at the time it arrives at LCCS. Student drivers may leave at the time that their home district dismisses for the day. Parents please use discretion in picking up your children at the school. If school is dismissed early, all after-school athletic practices or events will be canceled.
Online Snow Days
There are no make-up days built into the LCCS academic calendar. If school is canceled due to inclement weather, online school days will be implemented. Students will be assigned work to complete in each of their five core courses via Google Classroom. Completed work must be submitted at the beginning of the next in-person class. On Wednesdays or Fridays that are impacted by inclement weather, UM and 4-day students should follow their regular satellite plan for that day.
Cold Weather Policy
If the temperature is under 25 degrees (this includes wind chill or "real feel" temperature), students will be inside for recess. If the temperature/real feel is 25 degrees or above and there is no precipitation, they will be outside, so please dress your children appropriately. Remember to send sweatshirts, coats, hats, gloves, etc. with your students.