
All school volunteers are required to complete child abuse clearances, criminal background checks, and a FBI Disclosure Form (plus fingerprinting if they have lived outside PA within the last 10 years). Clearances must be turned in to the school office before anyone can volunteer in the school in any capacity (classroom, kitchen, field trips, etc). Visitors who do not have their clearance on file at LCCS must remain with an LCCS employee at all times while in the building.

PA Child Abuse Clearance
PA Child Abuse Clearances are free for volunteers. Use the link above. Select "Individual Account" and proceed through the steps.

PA Criminal Background Check
PA Criminal Background Checks are free for volunteers. Use the link above. Select "New Record Check" and follow the instructions.

FBI - Volunteer Disclosure Form
All volunteers must complete the FBI Volunteer Disclosure form. Fingerprinting is only necessary if you have not lived in the state of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years. If you need to be fingerprinted, follow these instructions.

Already have your clearances?

Volunteers may bring in a copy of their PA clearances from other organizations or churches with which they volunteer, as long as these clearances are dated within the past 5 years. Every volunteer will still need to fill out the FBI Volunteer Disclosure Form and turn it into the Business Office (and if necessary, obtain fingerprinting).

Have additional questions?

Please contact clearances@lccs.cc with any additional questions.